Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy News!

I have finally decided that I am going to take all of the wonderful advice that you gave and I am going to give them all of those. I need to get working on that! Santa and Mrs. Clause said that they would help me get it all together. You know Mrs. Clause is a wonderful cook! I asked her if I could post another recipe and she said that would be wonderful! So here it is!

"Santa's Whisker's" cookies

Makes 60

3/4 cup Margarine
2 cups Flour
3/4 cup Sugar
1 tablespoon Milk
1 teaspoon Vanilla
3/4 cup finely chopped candied red or green cherries
1/3 cup finely chopped pecans
3/4 cup coconut

Beat margarine with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add about half the flour, the sugar, milk, and vanilla. Beat till thoroughly combined. Stir in remaining flour. Stir in cherries and pecans. Shape into 8-inch rolls. Roll in coconut. Wrap in wax paper; chill 2- 24 hours. Cut into 1/4-inch slices. Place on an un-greased cookie sheet. Bake in a 375 degree oven 10-12 minutes or until the edges are golden. Cool cookies on a wire rack. Makes about 60.

So give that a try and let me know what you think! Mrs. Clause is such a nice lady!

The other day I was talking with some of the other Elf's and one asked me what I would like to if I was not an elf. I thought this was a crazy question because I LOVE being and Elf. But it got me thinking. What would I be. I think it would be fun to work for Toys R Us or something like that! I also think it would be fun to be a firefighter or police officer. They are always out making sure we are all safe. So I have a question for you.... what do you want to be when you are all grown up???

Well I have to go! I have so to do before Christmas and my Hot cocoa break is over!!

Love your buddy,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh Holy Night!

Well kiddos as you can guess things are crazy here at the North Pole! December is always busy, but this year we are supper busy because there are so many good boys and girls!!! Thanks so much Chloe, Ryan and Emily for giving me that nice reminder. Sometimes I just need a little reminder! So let me tell you all the fun things that have been going on at the North Pole. We have all the toys made but now we need to work on all the fun stockings fillers!! I have been busy trying to figure out what to get my Mother and Father! I have found the perfect gift for Santa!! I am getting him new mittens to wear for Christmas next year. I am so excited they are red and gold!! I am so excited! Now I just really have to think of what to get momma elf and papa elf. You know they are so good to me. I just love them so much! Hey maybe you guys could help give me some idea!!! What do you think I should get for them? Oh no I have to go the candy machine just ran out of sugar! Talk to you all soon!!!



Feel free to leave a comment on any of the posts! Santa loves to read them with Orophin!