Monday, November 10, 2008

Any ideas?

I'm sure you all are wondering what's been going on around here.

Well, I will tell you!


My goodness it is so hard just to remember to brush my hair in the morning! It has been so busy. Once November hits, we get slammed! More and more kids are thinking about Christmas and doing what they can do to get on the Nice List!

That's a good thing, but one cup of cocoa in the morning just doesn't cut it sometimes!

Well, las time I posted, I had mentioned that Santa was paging me a lot.

Here's the scoop...

His In-Laws are coming in to town! That's right! Mrs. Claus' parents! He's frantic!!

He gave me one huge checklist of things I need to get done before they get here!

They are coming just in time for Thanksgiving and I've been hussling around trying to make sure everything gets taken care of.

He left me in charge of deciding what we're going to eat for Thanksgiving.

Now, of course we will have a Turkey, but what else should I serve for Thanksgiving dinner?


Sincerely frantic,



Renee said...

From Kara & Erik "You should fix mashed potatoes and gravy, jello, rolls, and apple pie."

Anonymous said...

From M & T "you should serve toast and a couple of pies and some cake."

Daughter of God said...

You should serve pasta! -logan age 4
mac and cheese -Brin age 3 :]

Anonymous said...

Tristan (4) you should serve apples sauce and mac and cheese.
Torgan (2) Juice and milk

The Goodsell Shrub said...

Rissa says smashes potatoes, cranberry sauce, fruit
Tanner says bread with butter. sugar cookies

Emily said...

"My idea is pumpkin pie, whipped cream and cookies with milk to drink," Chloe, 4 years

Anonymous said...

Potatoes, fried chicken fingers, butter, fruit salad, chocolate cake and donuts with sprinkles. -Savannah age 4

Anonymous said...

Sara (2) says you should serve crackers and pizza. Kaylee (9) says you should serve stuffing, potatoes with gravy, green beans, rolls, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert.

Aly said...

Max (4) says you should cook cookies and hot chocolate.

Annie (7) says you should make TURKEY! And beef:)

Aly (28) says you should make Frog Eye Salad and Mashed Sweet Potatoes!


Feel free to leave a comment on any of the posts! Santa loves to read them with Orophin!